
Day #1

4th December 2024 (Wednesday)

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

DEI excellence: shaping the future and understanding the landscape

11:30 AM – 12:45 PM

DEI in action: planning, adapting, and reinventing

12:45 PM – 14:00 PM

DEI’s yellow lights: issues we see but often ignore

14:00 PM – 15:00 PM

Navigating gender balance: addressing challenges, resistance, and fatigue

15:00 PM – 16:00 PM

ERGs in focus: understanding today’s trends, effective sponsorship, and celebrating award-winning projects

Day #2

5th December 2024 (Thursday)

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Daily DEI: making DEI a part of everyday culture. Transforming actions into sustainable habits

***this segment contains DEI as a habit online class***

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Beyond business: a look at D&I through cultural and societal lenses

12:30 PM– 12:45 PM

DEI as a habit, a class like no other — key insights from the class experience

12:45 PM– 14:00 PM

Neurodiversity: best practices, solutions, experts’ insights

14:00 PM– 15:00 PM

Disability: best practices, solutions, experts’ insights

15:00 PM– 16:00 PM

Mental health: best practices, solutions, experts’ insights